There are many fights worth fighting.
Fouzia is fighting one of them.
The war that wages within her is that of Stage 3 Breast Cancer.
She fought it before and thought she had won.
Now that it has returned she must battle again.
Honored to support Fouzia,
we ask you to join us by sharing her story.
Also, if you are able, please donate.
Fouzia is fighting one of them.
The war that wages within her is that of Stage 3 Breast Cancer.
She fought it before and thought she had won.
Now that it has returned she must battle again.
Honored to support Fouzia,
we ask you to join us by sharing her story.
Also, if you are able, please donate.
A Conversation With Fouzia
Jack: As a female football player in Morocco, building not just a new team but an entirely new league, you have a lot of ‘uphill’ to face in your battle. Your gender, your ethnicity and now breast cancer. Which of these is the hardest for you?
Fouzia: Each battle has its own painful moments. I go through a lot because of my gender. There is disbelief. There are those people who are always trying to put me down whenever I do something to change the situation for better. But that fight was always with a second party. The fight with breast cancer is the hardest since I’m fighting something in my own body and fighting my own negative thoughts.
Jack: Even the strongest fighters need someone in their corner. Who has been in your corner through all of this?
Fouzia: To be honest I couldn’t do this without my sisters, Salma and Fati, Star and Rocky, Chaimae and others on my team. They lift me up like almost every single day. I really want to thank them all, and I’m sorry if I forgot a name of someone.
Jack: You are an inspiration to so many female pioneers both on and off the field. If you had one piece of advice to offer on how to forge dreams into reality, what would it be?
Fouzia: I just wanna ask them to remind themselves each day that they are worthy and never listen to anyone who’s trying to put them down - even if that person is a close friend or family member. Only you and your thoughts can limit yourself and capacity. Always make big goals. Being an international football player was a goal that I reached! My next one is to coach in the NFL and make the haters hate more.
Fouzia: Each battle has its own painful moments. I go through a lot because of my gender. There is disbelief. There are those people who are always trying to put me down whenever I do something to change the situation for better. But that fight was always with a second party. The fight with breast cancer is the hardest since I’m fighting something in my own body and fighting my own negative thoughts.
Jack: Even the strongest fighters need someone in their corner. Who has been in your corner through all of this?
Fouzia: To be honest I couldn’t do this without my sisters, Salma and Fati, Star and Rocky, Chaimae and others on my team. They lift me up like almost every single day. I really want to thank them all, and I’m sorry if I forgot a name of someone.
Jack: You are an inspiration to so many female pioneers both on and off the field. If you had one piece of advice to offer on how to forge dreams into reality, what would it be?
Fouzia: I just wanna ask them to remind themselves each day that they are worthy and never listen to anyone who’s trying to put them down - even if that person is a close friend or family member. Only you and your thoughts can limit yourself and capacity. Always make big goals. Being an international football player was a goal that I reached! My next one is to coach in the NFL and make the haters hate more.