This isn’t a typical princess story,
but seldom are interesting stories typical.
This is a story dedicated to those
who have felt unheard and unseen
in society because of a disability.
but seldom are interesting stories typical.
This is a story dedicated to those
who have felt unheard and unseen
in society because of a disability.
For every story, there's a story behind it. 'The Nonverbal Princess' is no exception, given a voice despite unlikely odds granted by a series of unlikely connections, unwavering faith and unexpected generosity. If you think there's no such thing as fate, this story behind the story will make you think again. It will also make you rethink what is possible with the right tech, talent and trust in humanity.
THE SUMMARY A documentary on the story behind the story of 'The Nonverbal Princess', this film tells the tale of three talents using technology to override barriers of disability to tell an unspoken story that's gone unheard until now. THE SYNOPSIS When a producer in the Midwest with multiple sclerosis (Allié McGuire) hears of a nonverbal actress in New Jersey with cerebral palsy (Jessica Frew) who has a children's book she wants to get out of her head and onto paper, she reaches out to an illustrator in Ecuador with osteogenesis imperfecta (Gustavo Vera) to translate Jessica's thoughts to images. With Gustavo's illustrations designed on his laptop, Jessica's narration developed with her eye gaze app, and Allié's production of an ebook, audiobook and video, the story of 'The Nonverbal Princess' was brought to life. Despite their individual disabilities, they harnessed technological capabilities to share a story with the world designed to break barriers and build bridges. |